No, this is not to be confused (accidentally or deliberately) with cow tipping. It’s totally different.
I learned of tipping the writer several years ago from fantasy and science fiction writer Cedar Sanderson, who noted that you could tip a writer by leaving a review of the book or story you read. The review constitutes the tip. Neat, huh?
Thank you to everyone who bought or borrowed Mercenary Calling. I hope you are enjoying the tale. If you are, and want other people to know about it, leaving a review is a fine thing to do. It need not be long. No book reports required. A couple lines saying what you enjoyed would suffice. And I would be ever so thankful.
Urban legend has it that part of how Amazon markets books depends on the number of reviews a book has and how many stars a books gets. A review also tells other readers that someone may have liked the story, thus providing word of mouth marketing, which is far more valuable than advertising. So, if you are wondering whether to leave a review, now’s a good time.
And, in case you do, thank you!