I love giving books as gifts. Here are a few I highly recommend! They are each a great combination of fun, harrowing, and high adventure, with characters you’ll love. They’re just right for the season. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays! J.M. Ney-Grimm’s fantasy Winter Glory is a glittering tale of two people, who…
Author: lmontgomery
The Importance of Titles
No, this is not a post about the aristocracy. This is a post about book titles. As readers, we can all appreciate the strange, poetical allure of Stranger in a Strange Land, or the yearning created by Time for the Stars. I definitely picked up Dies the Fire because of the title. I called my…
Building a Garbage Truck for Space
This guy is awesome: Mitsunobu Okada, aspires to be more than an ordinary garbageman. Schoolroom pictures of the planets decorate the door to the meeting room. Satellite mock-ups occupy a corner. Mr. Okada greets guests in a dark blue T-shirt emblazoned with his company’s slogan: Space Sweepers. In my novel Manx Prize, Charlotte Fisher creates…
Embry-Riddle’s Space Traffic Management Conference
There will be some very interesting panels tomorrow at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Space Traffic Management Conference. I am looking forward to participating, sharing my thoughts on Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty, and moderating a panel on Governance. I probably shouldn’t bring up Manx Prize. But it could be relevant. by
Space Settlement Symposium
I’m looking forward to participating in a New Worlds 2016 Space Settlement Symposium in Austin, Texas. The panel I will be on, moderated by asteroid miner Sagi Kfir of Deep Space Industries, will address Who Owns Space? Citizens are going into space. Who has the right to do what and where out there? How do…
For space law fans: the University of Nebraska
I am looking forward to participating in the annual space law day that the University of Nebraska law school puts on. This year it will be on Monday, October 17 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Scroll down here to learn more. by
Institute for Humane Studies
I’m looking forward to participating in The Law and Economics of Space Policy, a seminar conducted this weekend by the Institute for Humane Studies and the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. I will talk about U.S. government regulation of space transportation and communications, and whether the Outer Space Treaty requires the regulation of all…
Just Released–Waking Late Book 2, Out of the Dell
OUT OF THE DELL is now available in Kindle Unlimited on Amazon. On the planet Nwwwlf, in the lost colony of First Landing, the original settlers carved out one sylvan valley, a lone outpost where humans flourish. But their bright hopes and best intentions devolved over centuries into a rude replica of medieval feudalism. Gilead…